In 2016 I started a feminist escort agency in New Zealand called The Bach (rhymes with “catch.”)
Wait a minute…feminist? How can prostitution be feminist?
Well, like this:
The Bach was 100% consent-based. No one worked on shift, and no one took a booking that they didn’t want to take. All clients were screened for safety and respectful behavior. And we offered by far the highest hourly wage in Northland New Zealand, starting at NZ $120/hour.
Most of our ladies were single mothers, and many of them fed their families, worked their way through professional degrees, and made it permanently out of poverty through escorting.
It was also one hell of a ride.
Here are some of my favorite media stories that came out about The Bach:
Daily Blast Live "'Sex Work Is Work:' Founder of Legal Escort Agency Talks Feminism & 'Life Line' Sex Work Provides," 27 January 2023
Instagram Live Conversation with Mikyl Cordova of @thevoid_nyc about ethical sex work and women's choice, 10 August 2021
“Ethical Pimping with Antonia Murphy,” interview with Anya Kaats for the podcast A Millenial’s Guide to Saving The World, 30 July 2019
“I’m An Ethical Pimp. Here’s what a typical day is like for me and the women I employ.” by Antonia Murphy in the Huffington Post, 10 July 2019
“Senate Considers Another Bill That Will Harm Sex Workers,” interview with Katie Herzog in The Stranger, 5 June 2018
“Northland Brothel Bringing Sex Out of the Shadows,” by Corazon Miller in the New Zealand Herald, 12 February 2017
The logo for The Bach.
The Bach hits the tabloids!
My license to pimp. Actually.
In 2018 the Herald did a piece commemorating 125 years of women's suffrage in New Zealand.
They published the pictures of 125 kick-ass New Zealand women.
That's me in the lower right.
And. Not saying I'm famous, but there's Lorde (up and to the left.)
So basically we're sisters.